No. Most new estates built in London in the post-war years were designed around preventing through traffic.
Countries like the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany have long set an example of keeping through traffic out of residential streets.
And, of course, Wimbledon already has some ‘mini’ low traffic neighbourhoods very close to East Hillside:
- The barrier across Compton Road at its junction with Woodside has turned Compton Road and Alwyne Road into an LTN
- Lancaster Road, Lancaster Gardens and Lancaster Avenue have become an LTN in all but name by virtue of making the entry into Lancaster Road from Wimbledon High Street a ‘No Entry’.
- Similarly, the modal filter (i.e. which permits cyclists to pass, but not motor traffic) at the junction of Mansel Road and Wimbledon Hill Road has turned Mansel Road and Raymond Road in to an LTN in all but name.